ONG VDRPEFANB (ONG : Vision pour le développement rural, la protection des enfants et la formation d’actions de non-violence au Bénin) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) created as a non-profit-making organization that has the goal and vision to contribute to the infrastructural, agricultural, and rural developments, including the protection of children and counseling on non-violence action in Benin and beyond.


IIt engages on all kinds of rural development projects in the communities and villages in Benin and beyond...


To execute and implement our projects, we create contacts with the village communities and analyze the environments to understand their fundamental needs. Through local authorities and schools, etc. In this regard, we develop sustainable rural development projects.


All our members volunteer to ensure that all developed projects are fully implemented.


We work hard to cover the administrative and logistic expenditures, e.g, equipment that the volunteer researchers and workers will use in their projects such as agricultural utilities, water, livestock, etc.


Our vision is to improve the living standard of people living in rural areas without necessary amenities such as electricity, good water facilities, and illiteracy, etc.





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Account Number: 514100000155

Carte Politique du Bénin : Benin Political Map

No d'enregistrement de dossier / Registerd number [2013/331/DEP-ATLLIT/SG/SAG-ASSOC DU 11 NOVEMBRE 2013]

L’ONG VDRPEFANB est une organisation non-gouvernemental et à but non lucratif régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 relative au contrat d’association. Elle est enregistrée au Bénin le 11 Novembre 2013 sous le numéro 2013/331/DEP-ATL-LIT/SG/SAG-ASSOC DU 11 NOVEMBRE 2013. Elle fut publiée au journal officiel de la République du Bénin le 1er Mars 2014 à la page 215. Elle a pour vision de contribuer aux développements, etc. L'Organisation est également représentée et enregistrée en Allemagne.

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